A Lifestyle Plan for Successful Weight-Loss and Diabetes Recovery
What is the New Hippocratic Diet ® ?
TheNew Hippocratic Diet ® is a lifestyle-change plan developed by Dr. Irving A. Cohen, M.D., M.P.H., (a Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine), to allow people to reverse the current Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes epidemics and regain control of their lives. It teaches you how to utilize your body's natural appetite suppression mechanism, something present in everyone.
It embraces a dietary plan that is both a drug-free diet and one that utilizes real food. It does not include magical claims about special supplements or packaged foods. We do not sell any foods or supplements. Any suggested tests are ones that can be done by your family doctor.
How does it work?
Doctors and scientists have long known that people's bodies, just as in lower forms of life, are designed for cyclical patterns of food availability. There is a natural mechanism to store excess energy for long-term use in the form of fat and there is a natural mechanism to burn fat and efficiently when the food supply is low. When used properly, that natural mechanism suppresses hunger so that people can live off their own stored energy without excessive anxiety or concern.
In today's highly industrialized world, most people are far removed from the natural variations in food supply. In this non-agricultural environment, making the wrong food choice tells people's bodies to constantly stored energy, leading to overweight, type 2 diabetes, and their associated health and disease issues. When they try to reduce their consumption, their bodies fight to continue in a storage mode, trying to put extra energy into fat for later use. Staying in this storage mode interferes with losing weight and leaves the dieter constantly hungry. That sabotages their good efforts.
Complicating matters, over the past three decades, the Federal Government of the United States made a terrible mistake. Beginning in late 1970's, they sought to "educate" Americans that the fad-diet of fat-avoidance was actually healthy for them. This was based on a deliberate manipulation of the underlying science (some say perpetrated by segments of the food industry) but became national policy. This falsehood was was treated as dogma by institutions depending upon Federal funding, effectively suppressing research demonstrating the true nature of the problem. As a result, many people, both in the United States and elsewhere in the world have come to believe this falsehood. Today, it seems as if the harder some people try to lose weight or control their Type 2 Diabetes, doing what they are told are the "right things", the worse they get.
The answer to this dilemma is to forget this bad advice and look at the underlying mechanisms of weight loss and weight gain. The New Hippocratic Diet ® does this and has helped many people over the years. Dr. Cohen first developed this diet out of personal need. He, too, was faced with frustration having gained weight doing the supposedly right things and finding the current mixture of diets ineffective. Faced with this, he researched how the body could be maintained in a steady fat-burning state. He found that this question had been answered in the 1920's, through research that is still valid today, although often misunderstood in today's literature. He expanded the algorithm which was developed almost a century ago to take into account weight-loss dieting and derived an expanded algorithm and a new computer model. That model is a tool that demonstrates how the correct balance of major nutrients can keep a person's body in a fat-burning state and suppress hunger. This is now published in the medical literature and he has presented information on this lifestyle-change plan to physicians and scientists at major medical forums.
Why is it called The New Hippocratic Diet ® ?
After developing his lifestyle-plan, Dr. Cohen served as a Fellow in the History of Medicine, researching and exploring the history of life-style and diets. He found others who had come long before him with similar recommendations. A famous German researcher, physician and internist (Dr. Wilhelm Epstein) had come to similar conclusions about both weight loss and diabetes in the late 19th century. Epstein's work eventually led him to explore even earlier work. An important French physician and noted linguist (Dr. Emile Litré) attributed to the Greek physician Hippocrates a method of losing or gaining weight, which he translated and published in the mid 19th century. 2,400 years ago, although Hippocrates lacked our current level of science, he had worked this out through his powers of observation. Hippocrates is best known in the Western world as the "Father of Rational Medicine".
Dr. Cohen's computer model remarkably produces recommendations remarkably similar to those advocated by Hippocrates 2400 years earlier. Because of this, Dr. Cohen named his lifestyle-plan the New Hippocratic Diet ® to honor and recognize that ancient work.
Going beyond beyond the 2400-year-old recommendations of Hippocrates, Dr. Cohen's plan recognizes that in the 21st century we face additional challenges. Two of these are chemical additives which make people hungrier and misleading information from producers of food products. In a world where international corporations make billions selling dietary, pharmaceutical, weight-loss and diabetes products, Dr. Cohen shows people how to regain control of their lives. It is an empowering to learn that you can do so successfully, without gimmicks, drugs, surgery, or special products. Click here to learn how you can succeed at this life-style change, using our books and online course.
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**This website is intended solely to provide information about the New Hippocratic Diet ®. It can not and is not intended to provide individual medical advice.
Always consult a qualified medical practitioner for individual direction and medical advice.
If you are currently using any form of diabetic medication, significant dietary change may necessitate modification or discontinuation of your medication schedule. Work with a qualified medical practitioner before making any such changes. **